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Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
- John 14:16

The WTL House's mission is to empower single mothers to break the generational cycle of drug and alcohol addictions through God’s truth.

Our Mission, Program, & Commitment

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Our Mission

The WTL House's mission is to empower single mothers to break the generational cycle of Drug and Alcohol Addictions through God’s Truth.

Through our ministry, we will provide low income housing for women with children who are either transitioning from a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility or who are in recovery and just need
some help getting back on their feet.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 85%  of individuals relapse within a year of treatment, Moreover, two-thirds of individuals return to drug use within weeks of beginning addiction treatment. The most common reasons for this include stress, negative mood and anxiety, exposure to triggers, temptations, peer pressure, lack of social support, boredom, low self-efficacy, interpersonal problems, and lack of a positive environment.

Here at the WTL House, our program is designed to equip these women with all the life skills, recovery tools & resources to overcome the odds of falling back into addiction.. After a year, they can go back to their hometown and be able to withstand the temptations that surround them because they will be grounded in their faith and recovery.

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Our Misson
Our Program

Break the generational cycle of drug and alcohol addiction through God’s Truth.

The program is designed to help women become the Kingdom Women they are called to be for the Lord, their children, and community. More importantly, this program is designed to get a hold of their precious children, so that they do not go down the same road of drug and alcohol abuse as their parents.

Program Objectives:


  • To remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol. (Random drug test/urine analysis/breathalyzer will be administered. 

  • To develop a strong work ethic and maintain employment at all times.

  • To learn and develop responsible behaviors.

  • To change criminal thinking.

  • To learn and develop parenting skills.

  • To develop consideration for others and improve social skills.

  • To learn and practice conflict resolution skills.

  • To communicate honestly and appropriately with others.

  • To learn how to have healthy relationships with other people.

  • To gain insight into relapse prevention and develop a written plan.

  • To improve and implement a plan for self-esteem and personal strengths.

  • To follow house rules and respect a structured environment, exhibiting responsibility for keeping the premises clean and orderly. 

  • To have a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Program Details:

  • Employment Assistance

  • Counseling for Both Women and Children

  • Financial/ Budgeting Classes - (Curriculum by Dave Ramsey).

  • Parenting Classes

  • Nutrition and Cooking Classes

  • Trauma and Domestic Violence Classess

  • Bible Studies  - (Curriculum by Priscilla Shirer, Dr Kevin Leman, Lysa Terkeurst, June Hunt).

  • 12 Steps Curriculum by Matt Chandler

  • Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Play Therapy (for the children)

Multiple Generations Impacted by Rehab and Drug Abuse Recovery.png

As Priscilla Shirer says, “Grandparents and parents have failed to pass on the baton of faith.” At the WTL House we want to equip mothers to pass on that baton of faith, and honor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 


 As a result of their change, the trajectory of an entire family can be altered.

Our Commitment

To see women set free, cycles of addiction broken, families restored, and God's will complete.

Our commitment is to these women, their children, and your community. As we empower them to become the Kingdom Women and Children they are called to be, we can CHANGE the WORLD one family at a time. Because I have personally walked this journey myself with the Lord, I know first hand the struggles and what it takes to succeed in recovery. As I am obedient to what God has called me to do, following His lead in all of this, I promise to create the best atmosphere for success for each woman and child who comes through our doors.

“Let each generation tell it’s children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.” Psalm 145:4

Aimee's Story

Aimee is the founder of The WTL House. This ministry was birthed in her heart from her journey through struggling as a single mother of three children while experiencing addiction and recovery!

For over 10 years depression, anxiety, alcohol, and drugs controlled her life, and nearly took her life. Once she fully surrendered to Jesus Christ she saw miraculous moves of God's provision and freedom over her life.

Now Aimee is on a mission to serve God & His children, and to help them find their own freedom journey.


Through The WTL House many other mamas, along with their children, will have the opportunity to experience God's empowerment through surrender to Jesus Christ and break that generational cycle of addiction. 


So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

- John 8:36

Aimee's Story
Listen to her full story here.
Request Aimee to Speak

Thank you for helping us make a difference! We will be in touch soon!

The House

Two homes side by side for the women with children and a tiny house for the Director’s Quarters. As of right now, we only have the one home and the Director's Quarters operating and need the funds to purchase the entire property so we can get the second home operating. Please help us purchase these homes by donating to the milestones below! 

Milestone 1:
$250,000 to buy all three homes

Milestone 2:
$25,000 to furnish fully furnish the second home

Milestone 3:
   $60,000 to renovate homes, office building, and to add on a large playroom for the children

TOTAL : $335,000

Thank you for your support of the mission that God has designed for the women and children in your community! We know that these chains and bondage are not localized to one area and that it impacts our nation as a whole. Through your support you can make a difference!

Make sure that you subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date on where we are in the process, how you can help, and the impacts that we have made!

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Empower Our
Women And Children

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